STDs, also called STIs, are infections that spread through sexual contact, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex. They can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites. While some STDs produce obvious symptoms, others may not cause any symptoms, especially in the early stages. This makes STD testing crucial as you or your partner could unknowingly have an infection and pass it to others. Don’t wait – make an appointment for confidential Hollywood STD testing at Hollywood Walk-In Clinic today.
Book OnlineOur compassionate providers understand discussing sexual health can feel vulnerable. We create an open, judgement-free environment and treat every patient with the utmost empathy, professionalism and confidentiality. We want to empower you to make informed decisions about your health.
Why should you get tested for STDs?
Getting tested is important for several reasons, none more central than preventing stis and sexually transmitted diseases (stds).
Detect Infections Early – Many STDs don’t show symptoms initially. Testing detects infections before they advance, cause health complications or become harder to cure. The sooner you know your status, the sooner you can receive treatment if necessary.
Prevent Spreading – Once diagnosed, you can take precautions to avoid passing infections to partners. Certain STDs like HIV, herpes and HPV have no cure, but medications can reduce viral loads and lower transmission risks.
Access Treatment – STD testing enables timely treatment, which leads to better outcomes. Untreated STDs can have serious consequences like infertility, cancer, nerve damage, organ damage or even death.
Gain Peace of Mind – Negative test results provide peace of mind about your health. But even if you test positive, the sooner you know, the sooner you can treat it. Knowledge is power.
Routine Screening – Getting regularly tested allows you to stay on top of your health if you have new partners. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) recommends annual chlamydia and gonorrhea screening for sexually active women under 25 and high-risk individuals.
Most Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases
There are many viruses, bacteria and parasites that can be transmitted sexually. Some of the most common STDs include:
Chlamydia – This bacterial infection often has no symptoms but can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility and ectopic pregnancy if untreated. Chlamydia is extremely widespread, especially among young people.
Gonorrhea – Another common bacterial STD that may not cause symptoms at first. If untreated, it can result in pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility and chronic pain. Gonorrhea is becoming harder to treat as drug-resistant strains emerge.
Trichomoniasis – Trich is a parasitic STD that causes itching, burning and discharge in both men and women. It raises the risk of premature birth or passing HIV to a partner if exposed. Fortunately it’s curable with antibiotics.
HIV – This virus attacks the immune system and progresses to AIDS without treatment. Medications now allow people with HIV to live long, healthy lives and have undetectable viral loads. But there is no cure, so prevention is critical.
Genital Herpes – Highly contagious viral infection marked by painful blisters. Medication can shorten and prevent outbreaks but there is no cure. Condom use decreases transmission risk.
HPV – Human papillomavirus is extremely common. Low-risk strains cause genital warts, while high-risk strains cause several cancers. Vaccines now protect against the most dangerous HPV types.
Syphilis – This bacterial STD progresses in stages if not treated early with antibiotics. Late stage syphilis can severely damage organs like the heart and brain. Mother-to-child transmission is also possible.
Hepatitis B – A liver infection typically spread through sexual contact, shared needles or childbirth. It can range from a mild illness to chronic infection leading to liver failure or cancer. Vaccination provides immunity.
Who should test for sexually transmitted infections?
The CDC recommends all sexually active people get tested for HIV and other common STDs. Certain groups are at higher risk and should be tested more frequently:
- Anyone with multiple or anonymous partners
- People with new partners whose history is unknown
- Men who have sex with men
- Intravenous drug users
- Sex workers and their clients
- People under 25 who are sexually active due to high STD rates
- Pregnant women to prevent maternal-fetal transmission
Talk to your doctor about when you should be tested based on your sexual history and risks. Don’t assume you or your partner is STD-free without testing. Many people are asymptomatic and STD prevalence is high even among seemingly low-risk groups.
STD Testing Services at Hollywood Walk-In Clinic
Our clinic offers comprehensive STD testing services for both men and women. We test for all major STDs using urine samples, blood draws, oral/genital swabs and pelvic exams when indicated. You can even order lab-certified at-home test kits for total privacy.
We conduct non-invasive screening tests for common infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV, herpes, syphilis, trichomoniasis and hepatitis. If symptoms are present, we’ll perform more specialized exams and testing to uncover the cause.
Let our compassionate providers counsel you on which STD tests are right for your situation and risk factors. We’ll explain any positive results and outline treatment options and next steps. And rest assured – all results and conversations are strictly confidential.
STD Treatment and Counseling
If testing reveals an STD, don’t panic. Many infections are treatable or manageable with modern medicine. We’ll provide professional counseling to address any concerns and walk you through available treatment options, which may involve:
Antibiotics – Curable bacterial STDs like chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis are treated with antibiotic regimens. Take all medication as directed to fully eliminate the infection. Avoid sex for one week after treatment. Get retested after three months to confirm the STD has cleared.
Antiviral Medication – Medications can control incurable viral STDs like HIV, genital herpes, and hepatitis B by reducing viral loads and lowering transmission risk. Follow-up testing monitors viral levels. Daily medication can prevent or shorten herpes outbreaks.
Vaccines – Vaccines offer immunity from hepatitis B and certain cancer-causing HPV strains. Get vaccinated to protect yourself from infection. The HPV vaccine is recommended for preteens/teens and adults under 45.
Education & Prevention Counseling – We’ll provide guidance on telling partners, using protection, and minimizing STD transmission through lifestyle changes. Abstaining from sex during treatment is crucial to prevent spread and reinfection.
Although an STD diagnosis may feel scary or embarrassing, try not to panic. Millions of Americans live with viral STDs through proper medical treatment and self-care. We’re here to offer non-judgmental support and expert medical advice so you can continue living a healthy, fulfilling life.
The Importance of Partner Treatment
If you’re diagnosed with an STD, encourage your partners to get tested and treated as well. They may be asymptomatic but still able to infect others or suffer complications. Share information without assigning blame – STDs have nothing to do with promiscuity and are simply widespread, preventable infections.
Be honest with partners about your status before engaging in sexual activity, even once treated. This gives them agency to make informed decisions about risks. You aren’t obligated to disclose STD history to every new partner if you use protection and have no symptoms or transmissible viral load. Discuss this with your doctor.
When beginning new relationships, don’t shy away from having open conversations about sexual health and getting tested together. Insist on safer practices like using condoms, dental dams or gloves every time. Mutual trust, honesty and safety should be foundations of any healthy partnership.
Maintaining Sexual Health
STD testing and prevention should become routine parts of your healthcare, especially if you have multiple partners. Follow these tips to promote sexual health:
- Use latex/polyurethane condoms, female condoms or dental dams for every sexual act (oral, anal, vaginal)
- Limit partners and avoid anonymous sex
- Get the HPV and hepatitis B vaccines
- Never share sex toys or works
- Get annual STD screening if sexually active
- Take pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) if very high-risk
- Ask partners to get tested before unprotected sex
- Learn STD symptoms and get tested if any develop
- Disclose STD status to partners before sexual contact
Responsible behavior protects you and prevents STDs from spreading. But anyone who is sexually active is potentially at risk. Routine testing combined with safe sex practices keeps you healthy in the long run.
STD Testing for Better Health
STDs are common, but the only shame is avoiding testing and treatment. At Hollywood Walk-In Clinic, your sexual health is our top priority. We provide convenient, confidential STD testing and compassionate care in a private, comfortable setting.
No concern is too small, result too frightening or question too embarrassing – we’ve heard it all and are here to help without judgement. So take control of your health and book a testing appointment today. We’ll address any issues, explain your options and put your mind at ease. With the right knowledge and prevention, STDs don’t have to disrupt your life.