We are able to manage a wide variety of medical procedures ranging from a simple splinter removal to laceration repair to abscess drainage. The cost of these procedures is based on the complexity of the issue but we will be sure to let you know the price beforehand. The price of the procedures is all-inclusive and we do not add a visit price. Follow-up wound checks are free for one full week following procedures.
Laceration Repairs begin at $250
based on size and complexity
Abscess Drainages begin at $250
based on size and complexity
Sebaceous Cyst Drainage – $250
Ingrown Toenail – $250 each
Pap Smear – $175
Pap Smear with HPV screening – $225
IUD Removal – $150
Implanon/Nexplanon Removal – $250
Mole Removal – $200 per mole
(includes Biopsy)
Skin Tag Removal – $175 up to four
Genital Wart Removal – $200 up to four
TB Skin Test (TB Test) – $50
Screening Physical Exam – $95
DMV (DOT) Physical – $125